We are here because of you!
We also love making theatre and can’t imagine life without Hip Pocket and the creative space it brings to the DFW community.
There are many ways to support us! What is your way?
See below for a few ideas.
Ways to support Hip Pocket Theatre.
We all have wishes! This is our BIG list of wishes. Everything on this list would improve Hip Pocket…let us count the ways! Check it out and get inspired! And let us know if you can make any of these wishes come true!
Perhaps you would like to become a donor and give a monetary gift to Hip Pocket- Any amount is accepted. You can give once or set up a monthly donation. Either way—-we promise to put your money to good use!
We rely on our community to jump in & lend a helping hand. During the season we need help in our box office and in other tasks. In the off season we need help with carpentry, grounds maintenance, painting, & clean up. Give it a try!

We wouldn’t be here without you!
All of us at Hip Pocket give gratitude to our individual donors. You keep our heart beating and our soul leaping with joy.
Thanks to these individual Hip Pocket Theatre supporters!
Wendy Marshall (In Honor of JoAnn Gracey)
Holly Nelson Ellman
Paul Hamilton
Matt Barnes
Barry & Annie Cleveland
Linda Whittington
Beth & Don Snively
Sophia Michahelles
Leanna Ritter (In Honor of JoAnn Gracey)
Richard & Melissa Hamburger
Susan Smith
Bob Gracey
Leanna and Charles Brady
Sharon Burt
Betsy Cummings
Timothy Dorney
Brian Fitzmorris
Tolbert Greenwood
Greg Hanson
Izumi Levy
Pamela Logan
Jon O’Harra
Lake Simons
Peggy Kirby
Gina and Kevin Winnett
Melinda and Bob Allen
Sharon Benge
Emily Scott Banks
Susan Austin
Deborah Freed
Quentin and Laurie McGown
Yvonne Duque-Guerrero
Thad Isbel
Lauren Ivy Chiong
Barbara Busackino
Do you wish your name was on this list?
Add it HERE!